Setelah menyelesaikan kursus ini diharapkan peserta dapat :
* Memahami prinsip-prinsip dasar perhitungan dan melakukan optimisasi pada saat operasi produksi sumur-sumur dan reservoir minyak, gas dilaksanakan, pengembangan pelaksannaan optimisasi produksi ini untuk meningkatkan kinerja produksi sumuran dan lapangan mature.
* Melakukan diagnosis sederhana dan memengerti penyelesaian permasalahan dalam operasi produksi sumur-sumur minyak dan gas bumi lapangan mature dan mencari strategi meningkatkan produksinya.
* Membuat analisis sederhana terhadap data sumuran minyak, gas dan panas bumi ,melakukan peramalan kinerja dan merencanakan pengembangn operasi produksi lapangan mature.
* Melakukan perhitungan-perhitungan kuantitatip sederhana dari seluruh data perolehan data tubing, flowline, choke, perforasi, gravel-pack, sub-surface savety valve pada sumuran, merencanakan pengembangannya dengan memperhitungan kemampuan masing-masing sumuran pada lapangan mature.
* Mempergunakan pengetahuan operasi produksi untuk keperluan penyelesaian permasalahan sumur seperti : pada saat penyemenan, penanganan scale, pasir, korosi dan damage yang mungkin terjadi pada sumuran minyak dan gas bumi lapangan mature.
* Memahami prinsip-prinsip dasar perancangan : penyemenan, workover, stimulasi sumuran dengan pengasaman dan perekahan hidrololik, perencanaan work over dan lain-lain untuk lapangan mature.
* Latar belakang : Operator, Senior Operator, Engineer/Non Engineer
* Geologic Considerations in producing Operation
* Introduction
* Sandstone Reservoirs
* Geologic Factors Affecting Reservoir Properties in Sandstone
* Application of Geologic concepts in Specific Sandstone
* Carbonate Reservoirs
* Application of Geologic Concepts in Carbonate Reservoirs
* Reservoir Considerations in Well Completions
* Introduction
* Hydrocarbon Properties of Oil and Gas
* Recommendations of Obtaining Good Test Data
* “Eyeball” Interpretation of Pressure Charts
* Well Completion Design
* Factors Influencing Well Completion Design
* Conventional Tubular Configuration
* Unconventional Tubular Configurations
* Sizing Production Tubular
* Completion Interval
* Permanent Well Completions (PWC)
* Tubingless Completion
* Tubing Strings,Packers,Subsurface Control Equipment
* Tubing Strings
* Steel Grades
* Tubing Connections
* Makeup of API Threaded connection
* Design of Tubing Strings
* High Strength Tubing
* Physical Properties of Steel
* Sensitivities of High Strength Tubing
* Tubing Inspection
* Tubing Handling Practices
* Equipment for Use With-Strength Tubing
* Tubing Running Practices
* API Publication List
* Packers and Subsurface Control Equipment
* Production Packers
* Subsurface Control Equipment
* Perforating Oil and Gas Wells
* Introduction
* Types of Perforators
* Evaluation of Perforator Performance
* Factors Aftecting Gun Perforating Results
* Perforating in a Clean Fluid with Differential Pressure Into Wellbore
* A Comparison between the GEO-VANN System and Other Perforating Methods in Wells Equipped with Packers
* Completion and Workover Fluids
* Functions-Requirements-Selection Criteria
* Formation Damage Related to Solids
* Oil Fluids-Practical Application
* Conventional Water-Base Mud
* Oil Base or Invert-Emulsion Muds
* Foam
* Perforating Fluids
* Packer Fluids
* Well Killing
* Production Logging
* Introduction
* Logging Device
* Application of Production logging
* Field Examples of Production Logging Techniques
* Primary Cement Evaluation
* Problem Well Analysis
* Problem Wells
* Problem Well Analysis Checklist
* Parafin and Asphaltene
* Introduction
* Paraffin and Asphaltene Chemistry
* Deposition Mechanisms
* Removal of Wax Deposits
* Preventing or Decreasing Wax Deposition
* Design of Wax Control
* Squeeze Cementing-Remedial Cementing
* Introduction
* Theoretical Considerations
* Practical Considerations
* Special Squeeze Cementing Situations
* Planning a Squeeze Cement Job
* Normal Operational Procedures
* Other Operational Procedures
* Plug-Back Operations
* Special Cement Systems
* Sand Control
* Introduction
* Reduction of Drag Force
* Mechanical Methods of Sand Control
* Practical Considerations in Gravel Packing
* Use of screen Without Gravel
* Resin Consolidation Methods
* Formation Damage
* Introduction
* Basic Causes of Damage
* Classification of Damage Mechanisms
* Reduced Absolute Permeability
* Increased Fluid Viscosity (Emulsion)
* Diagnosis of Formation Damage
* Surfactants for Well Treatments
* Characteristics of Surfactants
* Use and Action of Surfactant
* Formation Damage Susceptible to Surfactant Treatment
* Preventing or Removing Damage
* Well Stimulation With Surfactants
* Increasing Effectiveness of Rod Pumping
* Prevention of Well Damage
* Acidizing
* Acids Used in Well Stimulation
* Acid Additives
* Carbonate Acidizing
* Acidizing Techniques for Caronat Formations
* Sandstone Acidizing
* Potential Safety Hazard in Acidizing
* Hydraulic Fracturing
* Introduction
* Mechanics of Fracturing
* Production Increase from Fracturing
* Propping the Fracture
* Frac Fluids
* Frac Job Design
* Frac Job Evaluation Techniques
* Scale Deposition,Removal,and Prevention
* Introduction
* Causes of Scale Deposition
* Prediction and Identification of Scale
* Scale Removal
* Scale Prevention
* Corrosion Control
* The Corrosion Process
* Detection and Measurement of Corrosion
* Corrosion Control
* Workover and Completion Rigs Workover System
* Conventional Production Rigs
* Non-Conventional Workovers System
* Concentric Tubing Workovers
* Workover Planning
* Reasons for Workover
* Workover to Alleviate Formation Damage
* Workover for Low Permeability Well
* Workover of Wells in Partially Pressure-Depleted Reservoirs
* Workover to Reduces Water Production in Oil and Gas Wells
* Workover to Reduces Gas Production in Oil Wells
* Workover for Sand Control
* Workover to Repair Mechanical Failure
* Workover to Change Zones or Reservoirs
* Workover to Multicomplete
* Workover to Increase Production in Well Producing High Viscosity (Low Gravity) Oil
* Workover Economics
Dr.Ir. Sudjati Rachmat, DEA
Ir. Ardhi Lumban Gaol
Jadwal pelatihan 2023 :
Batch 1 : 14 – 16 Februari 2023
Batch 2 : 15 – 17 Mei 2023
Batch 3 : 14 – 16 Agustus 2023
Batch 4 : 7 – 9 November 2023
Catatan : Jadwal tersebut dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan calon peserta training perhitungan-perhitungan kuantitatip sederhana pasti jalan
Invetasi dan Lokasi pelatihan operasi produksi untuk keperluan penyelesaian permasalahan sumur di jogja :
· Yogyakarta, Hotel 101 (6.500.000 IDR / participant)
· Jakarta, Hotel Amaris Kemang (6.500.000 IDR / participant)
· Bandung, Hotel Neo Dipatiukur (6.500.000 IDR / participant)
· Bali, Hotel Ibis Kuta(7.500.000 IDR / participant)
· Surabaya, Hotel Amaris, Ibis Style (6.000.000 IDR / participant)
· Lombok, Sentosa Resort (7.500.000 IDR / participant)
Catatan : Apabila perusahaan membutuhkan paket in house training, anggaran investasi pelatihan dapat menyesuaikan dengan anggaran perusahaan.
Fasilitas pelatihan perhitungan-perhitungan kuantitatip sederhana di jogja :
- FREE Airport pickup service (Gratis Antar jemput Hotel/Bandara/Stasiun/Terminal)
- FREE Akomodasi ke tempat pelatihan bagi peserta training operasi produksi untuk keperluan penyelesaian permasalahan sumur jogja pasti running
- Module / Handout training Geologic Considerations jogja fixed running
- FREE Flashdisk
- FREE Bag or bagpackers (Tas Training)
- Training Kit (Dokumentasi photo, Blocknote, ATK, etc)
- 2xCoffe Break & 1 Lunch, Dinner
- FREE Souvenir Exclusive
- Training room full AC and Multimedia